Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good Food / Bad Food?

Now that you have figured out what this whole boot camp thing is all about, it is time to tighten up on your or nutritional habits or diet. But some of you may not know where to start. This is where your instructors and some helpful hints come into play.

We have told you to clean out your kitchen of “bad” foods and go shopping for “good” foods, but what is good and what is bad?

Recently Michael Pollan, a food author, gave a lecture to scientists at the CDC. He shared with them his seven rules for eating and the seven words that sum up those seven rules. He believes that you should “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

So what does that mean? Well, it means to eat real food – vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish and meat. And to avoid “edible food-like substances”.

So here are his Seven Rules for Eating:

1) Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.

2) Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can’t pronounce.

3) Stay out of the middle of the supermarket. You should shop the perimeter of the store where you find the fruits, vegetables, and meats.

4) Don’t eat anything that won’t eventually rot. There are exceptions to this rule, as in honey, but avoid things that never go bad…like Twinkies.

5) It is not just what you eat, but how you eat. When you are eating a meal, stop eating before you are completely full. You should be satisfied, not stuffed.

6) Enjoy meals with the people you love. Eat your meals at the dinner table, that is what it is for! Avoid eating meals in front of the TV.

7) Don’t buy food where you buy your gasoline.

Is this all you need to know about how to eat right? Probably not, but it is a good start. You should also remember to eat 4-5 smaller meals through out the day instead of 2-3 large meals. And remember to drink a lot of water.

You can check out the Rialto Nutrition Blog on a daily basis for recipes and tips. Also, for more information on Michael Pollan and his dietary guidelines, read this article.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Have Fun This Weekend...

....but please try to behave yourself.

We want you to have fun and enjoy the holiday weekend, but don't throw away all the hard work you have done the past few weeks. Be mindful of what you are eating and try to get in some exercise.
And remember to keep an accurate log book this weekend. Keeping your log book may help you to weigh the options of what you are eating. Is it really worth it.

Need some ideas for at home workouts? Check out the example below:

"All Core"

Repeat 3 times

40 Hip Thrusters (lay on your back in a sit-up position, feet up on a chair/stool & arms at your side. Keeping upper back gently pressed into the ground, squeeze your butt & lift your hips so your body is in a line from knees to shoulders. Keep your belly button pulled in towards your spine. Hold for 1 second & lower... repeat)

40 Side Plank Crunches (side plank position on your elbow, lower hips towards the ground but don't touch & back up to plank position. 20 "lower & lift" per side.)

40 Supermans (lay on belly, at the same time pull your chest & knees off the ground, lower & repeat)

The two exercises we don't recommend is the 12-oz. can curl or the constant motion of opening the mini bar. :-) Good luck!

Wishing you a safe and happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 1, 2009

How To Color Code Your Menu

There you are at the food market, trying to put together a healthy diet for a week, which requires some forethought about what you'll be in the mood for a few days from now. It also has you thinking about how much of something you might need to get the daily nutrition requirements.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be that difficult. The HEALTHY foods you eat every day - fruits and veggies, meats and meat substitutes, dairy products and good grains - all contain vital nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet. And, some - particularly, those deeply colored fruits and veggies - are considered "superstars" in this area. In fact, your best bet is to think color!

The natural color of food is a reliable indicator of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it supplies. Here's a quick snippit based on color:

Green - Those dark green veggies you eat like broccoli, spinach and sugar snap peas are high in vitamin C.

Red, yellow, orange - Fruits and vegetables of these colors, such as carrots, sweet peppers and sweet potatoes, are high in beta carotene or Vitamin A, and they can also be rich in vitamin C.

White - White fruits and veggies, like mushrooms, potatoes and bananas, supply B vitamins and many minerals. White dairy products - milk, yogurt and cheese - provide ample amounts of calcium (and are usually fortified with vitamin D).

Purple - Purple or purplish-blue foods, like grapes and blueberries, are best known for their anti-cancer and heart-helping antioxidants. And, like most other fruits and veggies, they're also high in vitamin C and fiber.

Brown - Brown foods in the form of nuts, seeds and grains supply E and B vitamins, which include folic acid. Brown and white foods like meat, fish, poultry, tofu and legumes are stand out sources of proteins and minerals like iron and zinc.

So, the more colors you toss into your basket, the better chance you have of meeting all of your nutritional needs. And remember that you don't have to meet the daily requirement for every single nutrient every single day.
Montclair/Lowry - Baseball Game Results
Team A - 10
Team B - 10
Looks like we're in for a rematch!
Nice effort everyone.