Thursday, September 11, 2008


Sore muscles are a part of an active lifestyle! While uncomfortable, the good news is: a sore muscle means you are making a change in the shape of your body and the strength and speed of your muscle. The soreness is: Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness. Best remedy? Keep moving. Be sure to come to class day after day. Couple of things to help ease the pain:
  1. Be sure to eat some high quality protein within 45 minutes of your workout or sooner. You have a small window in which this helps speed muscle repair.
  2. Continue to eat high quality protein throughout the day (see your or ask a trainer for examples), such as fruits, veggies and other complex carbs like oatmeal.
  3. If you can stand it, take 10-20 second bursts of alternating hot & cold really does help but can be pretty uncomfortable. Check out Contrast Showers.
  4. Take an Epsom salt bath...Grandma was right. It does help! While in the warm bath, stretch.
  5. Apply any brand of muscle cream to the area.
    Never a better excuse to get a massage.
  6. Keep coming to bootcamp or complete a RWB-work assignment. Getting your muscles moving again is usually the BEST therapy.
  7. More info on DOMS.
  8. Any suggestions? Please post to comments or let us know what works best for you.


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